How can EAIC members help you?
Innovation consultants provide a wide array of services and are competent with many different funding instruments.
They can help to...
- develop a sound innovation strategy,
- develop a comprehensive funding roadmap;
- identify the right funding instrument for your next innovation project,
- accompany you to develop a consotium or write an EU proposal
- negotiate a grant agreement or a consortium agreement
- support on project management and reporting of public funded projects
- position your organisation to be part of consortia of EU projects...
You can view here all type of services our members offer
They have knowledge of numerous funding programmes are regional, national, European level such as Horizon Europe collaborative calls, EIC, ERC, MSCA, Connecting Europe Facility, Innovation Fund, Digital Europe, Next Generation EU, LIFE, ERASMUS+...
EAIC members follow ethical rules as they adhere to our Code of Conduct
They can help to...
- develop a sound innovation strategy,
- develop a comprehensive funding roadmap;
- identify the right funding instrument for your next innovation project,
- accompany you to develop a consotium or write an EU proposal
- negotiate a grant agreement or a consortium agreement
- support on project management and reporting of public funded projects
- position your organisation to be part of consortia of EU projects...
You can view here all type of services our members offer
They have knowledge of numerous funding programmes are regional, national, European level such as Horizon Europe collaborative calls, EIC, ERC, MSCA, Connecting Europe Facility, Innovation Fund, Digital Europe, Next Generation EU, LIFE, ERASMUS+...
EAIC members follow ethical rules as they adhere to our Code of Conduct
Do you have an idea of project you wish to get funded, a need that requires the support of innovation consultants?
Share with us your need, we can put you in contact with a number of selected consultants that will be able to accompany you in your innovation strategy
Share with us your need, we can put you in contact with a number of selected consultants that will be able to accompany you in your innovation strategy