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This week the European Working Group of Innovation Consultants has welcomed 5 new member companies among its members!
- DRIAD from the UK - European Fund Management Consulting, located in Estonia and France - Europroject from Bulgaria - Innovayt with premises in Denmark, Norway and Portugal - Polite Europe located in Barcelona, Spain We are now counting a membership of 17 companies and two national associations, active in 15 countries around Europe! We are looking to expand the group with more members to represent the full diversity of Innovation Consulting across Europe. What is the EWGIC about? The Working Group aims at elaborating synergies among consultancy companies in Europe and exploring the interest to create a European association in the medium term. By joining forces on goals of common interest, the currently fragmented landscape of consulting companies could enhance the impact of their actions at European level. How can you participate? - Sign our Manifesto – so far already over 150 people have signed it! - Register to the Working Group. Your application will be reviewed during the next call of the WG.
December 2024