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Today the European Association of Innovation Consultants (EAIC) releases the 1st update of its Next Generation (NGEU) guide including information on open or planned national calls for projects in the frame of National Recovery and Resilience Plans, the guide covers 25 EU member States.
Today it is the most complete report available at EU level which gathers updated, synthetic information in English on the content of the National Recovery Plans in so many countries. The updated version published today includes the same information as the earlier version released in July 2021 but now also includes information on open and planned calls at national level and has extended the section related with IPCEIs in which the reader will find the status of each initiative in the different countries. The EAIC has created this guide to inform the European industry how these stimulus measures are being deployed in Member States, as well as the existing synergies among them (priorities, instruments and countries). This aims to share synthetic information on the Next Generation EU funds in terms of governance, type of investments and reforms. Initially released in July 2021, EAIC’s guide 1st update now covers 25 countries, it has been developed with the support of 13 EAIC members active in these countries. We aim to update it quarterly and keep increasing the content with new relevant sections. Interested to know more about the National Recovery plan in your country? Our members can support you to find the best opportunities according to your interests or strategy in the different markets you are interested in. Don’t hesitate to contact us writing to if you want to receive more information how our members can help you. Click here to download the guide.
We're pleased to welcome three of our newest members:
FV Conseil Innovation is an independent consulting firm, based in Paris & Nantes in France that supports startups and SMEs in their search for national and European R&D funding, which include a range of services related to the preparation of successful applications to a number of identified, mostly highly competitive, funding programmes. FV Conseil Innovation has a broad experience of several years of setting up and managing Research & Innovation projects, especially within European SME-dedicated programmes, such as the EIC Accelerator and Eurostars. Their clients benefit from the combination of the industry expertise and consulting methodology, which is part of a global and long-term approach, throughout the entire life cycle of innovation projects. ABF DECISIONS, as a forerunner in operational consulting in territorial aid, their global vision of the public financing environment, unique approach on the national/European territory and the quality of the support have made them a well-known and recognised player in the public financing consulting. With their multi-sectoral expertise, ABF DECISIONS intervene on the 3 levers of client`s development: Innovation, Investment and International. GrantXpert Consulting is a Cypriot-based SME, with a cumulative expertise of more than 25 years in European and National funding programmes. The team has a proven, core expertise in providing training and consulting services to local and EU organisations, with a rich track-record. The team’s mission is to deliver solutions, stemming from multidisciplinary strategic partnership on an EU level, tackling new European societal, digital & green challenges. The overall vision, is to change and improve EU citizens’ life by implementing EU funded programmes, and maximising their overall impact. View our full list of members here. ![]() On January 17th PRIMA “Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area”, presented the 5th Annual Work Programme (AWP 2022) - out of seven foreseen - that will contribute to the achievement of PRIMA general objectives in making the Mediterranean Region more efficient and climate-resilient. The Work Programme 2022 foresees an investment of approximately €123M and responds to some of the most crucial challenges in the Mediterranean Region. Climate changes are affecting this zone and represent a risk for the future generation, ecosystems and biodiversity. PRIMA - the ten-year initiative (2018-2028), partly founded by EU’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 – promotes R&I activities to foster production and consumption practices, respecting the people and the environment. PRIMA is a joint initiative of 11 EU Member States (Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain), and 8 Participating States - Mediterranean Partner Countries (Israel, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco). The final aim of PRIMA programme is to contribute to solve water scarcity, food security, nutrition, health, well-being and migration problems. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) developed by PRIMA Participant States represents the strong point of the partnership, aligning research national programmes, thus financial and intellectual resources. PRIMA will strongly contribute to support the Mediterranean economy, creating a healthy and sustainable society. 2022 PRIMA calls for proposals will contribute to achieve several objectives stated in the 2030 UN Agenda of Sustainable Development and Paris Agreement, including some EU priorities - EU Farm to Fork Strategy, Zero Pollution Action Plan and EU Water Framework Directive – all responding to PRIMA 2022 guidelines: to promote affordable, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems, to create an enabling environment for improving soil’s management sustainability and prevent land degradation, to promote nature-based solutions to increase the sustainability of water management, to foster the adoption of an integrated Nexus approach of water, energy, food, ecosystems (WEFE Nexus) to enhance sustainable use of natural resources to achieve sustainable development goals under the UN Agenda 2030 in the region, to prevent water pollution from improving water quality and protecting water-related ecosystems. The 2022 AWP consists of 3 sections and a call for prize: Section 1, directly funded by PRIMA, according to the Horizon 2020 rules, following Transnational calls organised by PRIMA-IS, consists of five separate calls divided in 5 topics (one call per topic):
The proposals have been launched in a two-stage submission process with deadline for Stage 1 fixed to next 15th March and for Stage 2 to September 06th 2022. PRIMA WEFE NEXUS AWARD 2022: a monetary recognition prize to promote scientific research and demonstrating the economic and social benefits of the Water Energy Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus in the Mediterranean Area. Section 2, indirect actions funded by PRIMA Participating States following transnational calls organised by PRIMA-IS, presents one multi-topic with 3 topics:
There is a total of three Innovation Actions (IAs), four Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs), and a Coordination and Support Action (CSA). Approximately thirty projects will be funded. Countries eligible for funding are the aforementioned PRIMA EU participating States, including the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to these Member States, Israel, Tunisia and Turkey (third-countries associated to Horizon 2020) and Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco as third-countries, not associated to Horizon 2020, having concluded international agreements for scientific and technological cooperation setting out the terms and conditions of their participation in PRIMA. Furthermore, any legal entity created under the European Union law and any international European interest organisation (as defined in point (12) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013), any international organisation (IO) or any legal entity established in countries not listed above as Participating State, may be eligible for funding provided that: i) participation is deemed to be essential for carrying out the action or ii) such funding is provided under a bilateral scientific and technological agreement or any other arrangement between the Union and the international organisation or, for entities established in a country which is not a Participating State, the country in which the legal entity is established. Consortia must include at least three legal entities established in three different Participating States: at least one must be established in an EU Member State participating to PRIMA; at least one must be established in a Non-EU countries participating to PRIMA. Proposals must be submitted in the electronic submission system on the ANR Platform active one month before the deadline. Consortia are strongly encouraged to apply the Multi-Actor Approach (MAA) and to include capacity-development-activity, involving different actors: individual, organization and communities. They are also encouraged to actively seek synergies with local, regional, national and EU R&I programmes. Section 3 includes calls for proposals directly funded by PRIMA, following national calls with evaluation, selection and granting processes implemented by one or several PS in line with common principles, that must be adopted by PRIMA-IS after obtaining approval from the Commission. For more information, please visit: Article courtesy of EAIC member enco |
February 2025